BeSpice Wave is a graphical waveform viewer for analog spice simulation results and lab measurements. It features fast loading, displaying and updating for multiple waveform file formats. It performs measurements and post-processes the loaded data. The resulting curves can be exported to other tools.
Download our demo version from our download section. This evaluation version only parses a limited number of file formats. In addition it does not allow any post-processing. It is perfect to work with ngspice or Xyce.
Key Features
- High performance analog waveform viewer.
- Digital and mixed-signal capability.
- Extensible graphical user interface.
- Fast access and automatic reload for multiple waveform file formats.
- The supported formats are: psf, psfxl, tr0, ac0, cou, vcd, csv, tabulated data, Touchstone s-parameter files, spi3 raw files, tdms files, csdf files, PSpice dat files, tmf, amf, mmf, nmf, dmf files (Dolphin Integration Smash), prn files (Xyce).
- Support for n-dimensional csv files.
- Plug-in API for unsupported waveform formats such as FSDB.
- Measurement tools: cursors and annotations.
- Drag and drop to text editors, Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calculator.
- Export to various formats including csv, tdms, vcd and spice pwl sources.
- Post processing: FFT, data reduction, eye pattern and a Matlab-style waveform calculator.
- Highly configurable graphical user interface.
- Can be controlled interactively over socket connection
- For software developers BeSpice Wave is available as widget for Windows, Qt, wxWidgets, Gtk, Tk or Python integration.
- Software developers can also access the underlying waveform parser library.